Class Policy

Class Meetings MWF 1:00pm-1:50pm, Room 203, Physics Building
Course Materials Required: WileyPlus Access, which includes the Online Textbook and eTextbook
      How Thinks Work: the Physics of Everyday Life, 6th Edition by Louis A. Bloomfield
Preferred: iClicker or iClicker App for Smartphone/Notebook

To obtain a WileyPlus Access Code from UVA Bookstore's Inclusive Access Program:
  • Log into UVACollab
  • Select the UVACollab site for this class (19F PHYS 1050 HTW)
  • Choose "UVA Bookstore Digital Access" and follow instructions there
To register WileyPlus Access code: To use WileyPlus, the textbook, and complete coursework:
Class Web Site
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Register with WileyPlus (Initial registration link for this class)
Technical Support Page 
Instructor Lou Bloomfield, Professor of Physics
Office: Room 133, Physics Building (see me here almost anytime)
TEL: (434) 924-6595
FAX: (434) 924-4576
Email Please see me in person, except for emergencies. I cannot promise to respond to or even acknowledge emails.
Electronic Devices Electronic devices may not be used in the classroom. In particular, cellphones and laptops must be off and put away.
Course Work
10 Problem Sets 30% of Course Grade (3% per set)
2 Midterm Exams 35% of Course Grade (17.5% per exam)
1 Final Exam 35% of Course Grade
Problem Sets

The problem sets are assigned on the homework website for this class. Each set is worth a total of 100 points and contains approximately 20 multiple-choice questions. The questions are generally conceptual in nature and should require independent thought rather than mindless calculation.

The problem sets are not pledged work and you may discuss them with other students and the instructor after you have thought about them yourself. The true purpose of these problem sets is to help you understand the material, not to assign grades, so there is no value in struggling unsuccessfully to understand them on your own.

I have observed over the years, however, that students who simply copy answers from other students or from the instructor, and who don't make a serious effort to understand why those answers are correct, do poorly on the exams. It's in your best interest to work on the problems yourself at first and to seek help from others only when you are having trouble making headway. Similarly, you provide the best help to others when you guide them back onto the correct path, rather than simply giving them an answer.

Problem sets are due by the start of class (1:00pm) on the dates listed on the course schedule. Late problem sets will receive 50% credit up to 7 days late, then 0% credit.

Midterm Exams
Two fifty-minute, closed-book, in-class examinations. These exams will consist of 30 multiple-choice questions.

The questions will emphasize understanding of concepts so that memorization will be far less valuable for answering them than basic insight into how things work.

Compelling reason for alternate midterm exam times will be considered only up until one week before each exam.
Final Exam
A three-hour, closed-book examination given during Finals Week. The exam will consist of 60 multiple-choice questions.

The questions will emphasize understanding of concepts so that memorization will be far less valuable for answering them than basic insight into how things work.

Compelling reason for taking the final exam late will be considered only up until the College deadline for such requests. You must obtain permission from the Dean. No early final exams can be given.
Absence Policy I do not take attendance, but excessive absences will probably diminish your learning and therefore your grade.
Late Policy Late work will not be accept, except as discussed under "Problem Sets" (above). Exceptions for illnesses, family emergencies, and religious holidays must be obtained in advance. You must contact me before something is due or before you miss an examination.
Guests and Visitors Guests and visitors are always more than welcome (except during the exams, naturally). No special permission is required.
Grading Information

Your course grade will be based strictly on your overall numerical score for the semester. I do not curve the individual scores for problem sets and exams. Students with overall numerical scores near the class average receive approximately a middle-"B" for the semester. Those with scores significantly above class average may receive an "A" or even higher for the semester. Those with scores significantly below class average may receive a "C" or even lower for the semester. I determine the distribution of grades at the end of the semester, based on a historical distribution. In a typical semester, about 30% of students get "A"-range grades, 50% get "B"-range grades, and about 15% get "C"-range scores. I give both "A+" and "F" grades every semester.

Problem sets not submitted or tests not taken will receive scores of zero. You are responsible for remembering the due dates and test times, so don't miss them!

Course Evaluation Incentive If you complete the University's course evaluation before the deadline for that evaluation, I will drop your lowest problem set score when computing your semester grade.
Letters of Recommendation I write letters of recommendation only for students have talked with me in office hours at least 3 times during the semester. I am unable to write letters for scholarships.
College of Arts & Sciences Deadlines Add Deadline: Tuesday, September 10
Drop Deadline: Tuesday, September 10
Withdraw Deadline: Tuesday, October 22
Request Change in Final Examination Schedule, Friday, November 29