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Instructor: Lou Bloomfield
Time: MWF 1:00pm - 1:50pm
Location: Physics 203
Office Hours:

Mondays, 9:00am – 11:00am, Physics 133
Wednesdays, 3:00pm – 5:00pm, Alderman Café (in Alderman Library)

Description: Physics 1050 is for non-science majors. It is a practical introduction to physics and science in everyday life. This course considers objects from our daily environment and focuses on their principles of operation, histories, and relationships to one another. The emphasis for Physics 1050 is on mechanical and thermal objects. The companion course, Physics 1060, emphasizes objects involving electromagnetism, light, special materials, and nuclear energy.
Required Items:

1. How Thinks Work: the Physics of Everyday Life, 4th Edition by Louis A. Bloomfield
2. WileyPlus Access Code for How Thinks Work: the Physics of Everyday Life, 4th Edition
3. iClicker Classroom Response Unit

(See Class Policy Page for More Information)

Homework Site: WileyPlus Login or to Register for This Class Section
Lecture Videos: Schedule of Classes, Assignments, and Video Recordings
Links to Previous Semesters and Other Resources:
Presemester Version of the Class Lecture Slides in Black & White or Color
Simulations of Everyday Objects
Fall 2009 Midterm Exam 1 and Solutions
Fall 2009 Midterm Exam 2 and Solutions
Fall 2009 Final Exam and Solutions
Fall 2010 Midterm Exam 1, Solutions with Videos
Fall 2010 Midterm Exam 2, Solutions with Videos
Fall 2010 Final Exam, Solutions with Videos
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